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Giao hàng nội thành từ 1 - 4 ngày

  • Đổi trả miễn phí
    Đổi trả miễn phí (7 ngày)
  • Thanh toán
    Thanh toán (Chuyển khoản hoặc COD)

FantaSticks comes with 15 stunt sticks in each of six colors, a deck of cards with one of eight activities displayed on each card, 16 tokens numbered one through 16, and, for each player (or team), a 4X4 board with spaces numbered one through 16.

At the beginning of each round, a token is flipped face-up, a card is drawn, and all players (or teams) then try to complete the activity shown on the card. Successful players place a marker on the space on their boards that corresponds to the number on the token. The first player to place four in a row wins.

Activities involve the sticks in some way, usually by building structures that don't fall or that are produced from memory or instruction or that others try to guess. A few activities use the sticks differently, e.g., to indicate answers to trivia questions or to prompt Liar's Dice-style guessing.

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