Giỏ hàng

Go Cuckoo!

Còn hàng
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Gọi ngay để đặt hàng nhanh hơn! 0964 590 578 (9h30 : 18h30)

Giao hàng nội thành từ 1 - 4 ngày

  • Đổi trả miễn phí
    Đổi trả miễn phí (7 ngày)
  • Thanh toán
    Thanh toán (Chuyển khoản hoặc COD)
  • 2-5 Players

  • Playing Time: 10-15 Min

  • Age: 4+

  • Weight: 1.00 / 5

On your turn in  Go Cuckoo!, you take one standing stick and put it on the nest. If both ends of the stick have the same color, you may choose to lay an egg on it. Otherwise, you take another stick whose top color is the same as the hiding color of the previous one, up to three sticks. After laying an egg or putting the third stick with different colors, your turn ends. There are penalties for a stick touching the ground or eggs falling from the nest.

The first person to lay all of their eggs can then put the cuckoo on the nest and win the game.

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